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  • Medicare AAPP Recoupment has Begun

    BY&S’s monitoring team is prepared to review and report on the Medicare Accelerated/Advance Payment Program (“MAAPP”) recoupment progress for borrowers in a lender’s portfolio.  We offer near real-time updates of amounts recouped through the review of Medicare remittance advices…

  • Celebration of Cinco de Mayo and the Retirement of Les Breiland

    For Cinco de Mayo, all of our team members gathered for a Happy Hour Zoom call.  In addition to celebrating Cinco de Mayo, we also celebrated the retirement of our dear friend and colleague, Les Breiland, who has worked…

  • BY&S New Hires Recap!

    Even though the pandemic hit in 2020, we are thankful to have added Ian, Mitchell, Lindsey, Eric, Matt D and Matt N to our team!  In 2021, we welcome Leanne McCord!  See below for a brief summary of each team member…

  • Recent Employee Promotions!

    We are happy to announce the promotion of Rob Stott, Creighton Howard, Ryan Ormerod and Michael Connor from Field Examiner Staff Level 1 to Field Examiner Staff Level 2.  Rob, Creighton and Ryan’s promotions were effective January 2021 and Michael’s…

  • Here’s Our Take on What’s Ahead for 2021

    Brian Young, Partner – CEO, I anticipate that borrowers will feel more of the financial impact of COVID-19 as we progress into 2021.  Many providers will continue to experience lower volumes with higher costs, which will result in the need for…

  • COVID-19 Litigation Concerns for Lenders (Blank Rome)

    While long-term care facilities have generally been kept afloat over the last year through various stimulus packages and/or lenders willing to…

  • Surveys and Updates to Quality Measures to Resume for Nursing Homes

    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”) suspended the majority of the regulatory surveys performed on Skilled Nursing Facilities, focusing on infection control violations and specific emergency situations…